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Geographical directory of 400+ local cemeteries organized by township with links to annotated burial records, photographs, WPA maps, etc. that have been digitized for the Greene Connections Archives Project.

Cumberland Township, Greene County, Pennsylvania

We need your help to match (1) WPA Cemetery Plats created in the 1930s; (2) Dorothy Hennen, Cemetery Records of Greene County, Pennsylvania, 12 volumes (Waynesburg, Pennsylvania: Cornerstone Genealogical Society, 1975-1979), which is available to view or buy at the Cornerstone Genealogical Society; and (3) Find a Grave cemetery entries. Some cemeteries are listed in only one resource and cannot be matched, but many appear in all three resources and need to be accurately connected. Numerous family cemeteries in Greene County have the same name, are known by assorted names, or have no name at all. Research into property ownership through Courthouse Records, Maps, and more, may be required. If you know the location of a cemetery and can help to correctly identify it, please email

Unmatched WPA Maps

Anderson Cemetery

Armstrong Cemetery

Colored Cemetery

Craft Cemetery

Emery / Emory Cemetery

Greene Academy Cemetery

Laurel Point Cemetery

Murdock Cemetery (a/k/a Moredock Cemetery)

Phillips Cemetery

Shepherd Cemetery